Millside Blue Texel Production Sale
Borderway Mart, Carlisle
Friday 26th August 2011
New Blue Texel breed record price for a Millside ewe sold by auction.
Our Production Sale at Carlisle experienced a buoyant trade throughout selling to a top of 2600gns. Buyers included present Blue Texel breeders anxious to increase their stock and also a host of new breeders keen to acquire some of the quality stock on offer.
The 10 ewes (1 and 2 crop) on offer sold to a top of 1200gns. bought by Hayley Clarke from Norwich. This Craigalbert sired ewe was out of a home bred ewe sired by an imported tup. Other 2 ewes sired by Craigalbert sold to 1100gns., to Welsh breeders Dan and Janine Jones of the Jonsland Flock and also to Scottish breeder John Lyle of the Viewforth Flock. Others sold to 1050gns. to North of England breeder Sean Cowin, Penrith and also to new Scottish breeder John Cowan from Ayrshire.
The overall average for the 10 ewes was £939-75.
Shearling ewes were in great demand and were very keenly bid for by both established and new breeders. The Star of the Show was an outstanding gimmer sired by the Craigalbert ram and out of a home bred ewe by the Jonsland tup. After frantic bidding she was eventually knocked down at 2600gns., a new breed record for a Blue Texel sold by auction, to very enthusiastic breeders Dan and Janine Jones. They also purchased another gimmer by the Jonsland tup and out of a Craigalbert sired ewe for 1500gns. Next highest price at 1850gns. was again a Craigalbert sired ewe out of one of the oldest ewes in the flock. She was on her way to Wales to join the Beili Blues flock owned by Dylan and Bethan Jones from Pencader, Carmarthen.
Another shearling ewe sold at 1500gns., this time to noted Charollais and Lleyn breeder Charles Sercombe from Melton Mowbray. This ewe was part of a consignment of 7 ewes bred by Heather McCurdie of the Mac flock, sired by a Millside ram, a son of Craigalbert. Her twin sister sold at 1200gns. to Matthew Jones, Gwynedd of the Glan Y Mor flock.
Others sold to 1100gns. twice to Hayley Clarke and also at 1050gns. to new breed enthusiast Edward Collins, a well known established Lleyn breeder from Leominster for his new Bearwood flock of Blue Texels.
The 25 shearling ewes sold to a remarkable average of £1095 – 24.
The ewe lambs on offer were greatly admired by those attending the sale and averaged an incredible £1038 – 55 for the 11 sold on the day. Taking home the top priced ewe lamb and second top price of the day at 2000gns. was again John Lyle from Fife. This attractive ewe lamb was again sired by the Craigalbert ram out of a home bred ewe by the imported ram 26101-01358.
A very special ewe lamb offered by the home bred ram DJA/08/3542 and out of a home bred Craigalbert sired ewe was sold for 1200gns. to new breeders A & J Allison, Carnwath, Lanark. The sire of this young lamb was Champion at the Royal Welsh in 2010. Others sold to 1000gns. to well known sheep dog handler, Ceri Rundle from Denbigh, North Wales.
An aged ram was sold for 1000gns. To Sean Cowin, Penrith.
Ram lambs were again in demand. All sired by the Craigalbert ram, these lengthy well marked, good conformation and tight skinned lambs held great appeal to prospective buyers and were led by a substitute ram lamb out of a home bred ewe and sold at 1800gns. to A. Froggat of the Sams flock from Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire.
The 6 ram lambs averaged £936-25.
Semen from the Imported ram 26101-01358 sold to 90gns. per dose to George McIntyre and Glen Forsyth.
A consignment of 28 Blue Texel x Rouge and Blue Texel x Lleyn ewes and gimmers averaged £204-82.
We wish to thank all purchasers and hope that the stock they have acquired will bring them success both in the show ring and with their progeny at future sales.
We would also like to thank our Sponsors, who gave us great support and encouragement for this our first Production Sale -
Allflex – see for your local rep
Davidsons –
Dunbia – see for your local contact
James Forrest Agricultural Contractors Ltd.(David Cunningham 07412200246)
Hamilton Brothers Animal Health 01292 541445
MSD Animal Health –
Novartis – Zolvix -
Osmonds -
Portequip –
Many people commented on how well presented the sheep were, so finally, our grateful thanks must go to William Linton and his team of Alan Frame and Willie Currie for all their hard work both before and on the sale day in this respect.