
Latest news:

Blue Texel Shearling Rams and Ram Lambs available now for sale off farm. Well grown, good skins and conformation. Also Blue Texel registered shearling ewes in-lamb available from December onwards contact us for more details.

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Breeds come and go with fashion, while a few stick around to become the mainstay of the British sheep flock. But husband and wife team David and Jennifer Alexander believe the Blue Texel, with its conformation and ease of lambing, will be here to stay. Read the recent Farmers Guardian farm feature More

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Blue Texel Sheep Society

Lleyn Sheep Society

Scottish & Borders Lleyn Breeders Club



Millside Pedigree Lleyn Sheep - Flock 913

Millside flock of pedigree Lleyn Sheep

The Millside Lleyn Flock was established in 1997 following the purchase of 75 quality females at Gaerwen and 2 top class rams at Carlisle, one from flock 809 and the other from flock 333.

The flock is MV accredited and now has 200 ewes, mainly the progeny of some of the top flocks in the country. Selection has always been on breeding well grown sheep with tight skins and good conformation. The Lleyns are reared on an all-grassland farm in SW Scotland alongside a flock of pedigree Blue Texel sheep. Although most of the Lleyns are bred pure, a small number are crossed with the Blue Texel for prime lamb production with some of the females being kept for commercial shearling gimmers.
Lleyn ewe with Blue Texel cross lambs
Lleyn Ewe with lambs sired by Blue Texel

Lambing takes place late March/early April, the ewes being housed only for convenience, and are turned out as soon as possible following lambing – weather permitting. All ewe lambs are retained for a further year and are over-wintered on grass only at a nearby dairy farm.

Lleyn Ram lambs retained for Shearlings are housed in December and turned out prior to lambing to allow extra accommodation.

Present Lleyn stock rams are from Emrys and Dylan Jones – flock 599 and from Messrs DN Bennett & Son – flock 893.

Lleyn gimmers ready for the sale

Progeny from the Millside Lleyn flock is available annually both at Lleyn Sheep Society sales at Ruthin, Stirling, Carlisle and Skipton and also a pen of Lleyn Shearling Rams at the Kelso Ram Sales. We also welcome private sales.

Lleyn Rams have also been in demand with successes in recent years including 4600 gns. for the Male Champion at Carlisle in 2002, and, more recently Shearling Rams to 4500 gns., 4000gns. and 2200gns..

We also have a selection of unregistered Lleyn Shearling Rams and Lleyn Ram Lambs suitable for commercial sheep flocks – these are on offer at Ram Sales at local markets or privately.

Lleyn cross gimmersAlso available are Lleyn shearling Gimmers and Blue Texel x Lleyn shearling Gimmers suitable for crossing or possible recipients for embryo transplants.