
Latest news:

Blue Texel Shearling Rams and Ram Lambs available now for sale off farm. Well grown, good skins and conformation. Also Blue Texel registered shearling ewes in-lamb available from December onwards contact us for more details.

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Breeds come and go with fashion, while a few stick around to become the mainstay of the British sheep flock. But husband and wife team David and Jennifer Alexander believe the Blue Texel, with its conformation and ease of lambing, will be here to stay. Read the recent Farmers Guardian farm feature More

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Blue Texel Sheep Society

Lleyn Sheep Society

Scottish & Borders Lleyn Breeders Club



Millside Blue Texel - Flock DJA

Millside Blue Texel Ewe LambsFollowing purchases from Northern Ireland of 2 in-lamb Blue Texel ewes in 1998 and a Blue Texel ram in 1999 from James Brown, Londonderry, along with 2 stylish Blue Texel ewe lambs from Wyllie Kelly, a further 6 young Blue Texel ewes were imported from Holland the same year, thus forming the foundation stock for the Millside Flock of Blue Texels which now consists of approximately 50 breeding females.

All sheep are fully registered with the Blue Texel Sheep Society and the flock is Maedi-Visna Accredited.

By carefully selecting females and the purchase over the years of 3 outstanding stock rams, this has enabled us to breed top quality stock, both to retain within the flock and to sell to other pedigree Blue Texel flocks, e.g. Garn, Ivanhoe, Jonsland, Beili Blues and Viewforth amongst others.

Blue Texel Stock Rams

CRC/06/0007M Craigalbert
CRC/06/0007M Craigalbert

This long stylish ram was purchased as a ram lamb at Skipton in 2006. He has proven to be a top class breeder, having sired champions at NSA Builth Wells Ram Sales and at Carlisle. Many other females and rams have been sold, with some of his top class females retained in the flock.

JOJ/07/4701N Jonsland

JOJ/07/4701N Jonsland
Purchased as a ram lamb from Dan and Janine Jones. He was Male and Overall Champion at the Royal Welsh Show in 2007. A tremendous ram with a great skin and a good back end. Many females have been retained in the flock. He was the sire of the Overall Champion at the Royal Welsh 2010 (see below) and was the sire of the top-priced ewe lamb at Carlisle 2010.

DJA/08/3542/O Millside

DJA/08/3542/O MillsideA home-bred ram with tremendous skin and conformation. Bred out of one of the best Blue Texel ewes in the flock, he was sired by Jonsland Dan (JOJ/07/4701N –see above) and was sold to Dan and Janine Jones for 1200gns.after winning the

Championship at the NSA Builth Wells Ram Sales 2009. The following year, 2010, shown by Dan and Janine, he was the Male and Overall Champion Blue Texel at the Royal Welsh Show and was also awarded the Reserve Continental Interbreed Sheep. A half share in the ram was purchased back in autumn 2010 and to date his lambs look very promising.

26101-01358 (Import)

This ram was purchased as a Shearling Ram from Holland in 2004. A ram with a tremendous back end, many rams and females sired by him have been sold as well as some top class females being retained in the flock. Although now dead, he is being used by AI on selected females within the flock.

Semen from the above rams may be available. Enquiries welcome and prices on request.

Blue Texel Sales

Female and Reserve Champion at Builth Wells NSA Ram Sale
Over the years progeny of the Millside Blue Texel Flock have sold well viz in 2009 to 1200gns.- Male and Overall Champion NSA Ram Sales Builth Wells and 1200gns Female and Reserve Champion at the same sale and to 1200gns. Female and Reserve Overall Carlisle Society Sale.
Female and Reserve at Carlisle Sale

Unfortunately in 2010 due to an unfortunate accident we were unable to attend the NSA Ram Sales at Builth Wells. However all the females entered and a tremendous ram were subsequently sold privately to the Viewforth Flock. At the Carlisle Sale 2010 we won both the Female (and Overall) and Male (Reserve Overall) Championships. The Champion sold for 950gns, as did her full sister and a ewe lamb was sold for the top price of the day at 1100gns.
Many more males were sold commercially, including a pen of Shearling Rams at the Kelso Ram Sales 2010 to a top of £900 to average out at £725.

In 2013 we should again be offering stock for sale, both males and females, at Society
Sales at Builth Wells and Carlisle as well as privately. A pen of Shearling Rams will be on offer at the Kelso Ram Sales in September as well as Shearling Rams and Ram Lambs at ram sales at various other markets.

In addition we will have for sale Blue Texel x Lleyn and Blue Texel x Rouge x Lleyn Shearling Gimmers – these are ideal for producing a quality prime lamb or could be used as recipients for embryo transplants.

Blue Texel Embryos

A small number of embryos from carefully selected Blue Texel ewes within the flock may be for sale. Again please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.